May 2024, I completed my dissertation for my computer graphics, vision, and games undergraduate degree.
It was an awarded a 72%!
Which I am glad about, given the long hours I spent on it and how much I loved working on it.
Feel free to download it here, but please credit me if you use it please. :)
Also if you end up using it for outreach or just for fun, drop me an email if you'd like!
I'd love to know what kinds of things it's being used for.
Basically it takes a video input of someone moving and automatically turns them into a video game or animation character that can be used in scratch. And your face looks really cool when it does.
Scratch is a website that allows children and programming beginners to easily write
code. It has a visual, user-friendly interface and is built for innovation and fun.
This report aims to describe the process in which a program that works with scratch was
created. It allows a scratch user to generate a sprite of themselves automatically. The
only necessary tools are their camera’s live video input and a machine running windows
Python was used to create the entire project. The work produced involved use of
computer vision techniques and file manipulation. Open source computer vision
(Open-cv) was the most useful external tool. It allowing for simple implementation of
video input, data extraction, and image analysis.
Research into motion detection optimisation was done after the project reached its
minimum requirements. An exhaustive search was performed on every combination of
parameters within a Mixture of Gaussians algorithm. It was specifically designed to
optimise the amount and consistency of sprite images saved when running the program.