home Hello!
I'm David Llewelyn Davies (Dave) and this is my very homemade website.

If you would like to learn more about me, click on the sentences below!

The modules I studied were:

First year Second year Third year
Problems and Solutions Algorithm Design and Data Structures Major Project
Fundamentals of Web Development Psychology of Humour Computer Vision
Professional and Personal Development Software Engineering Professional Issues in the Computing Industry
Introduction to Programming Applied Graphics Fundamentals of Machine Learning
Functional Programming Modelling Persistent Data Computer Graphics and Games
Introduction to Computer Infrastructure Artificial Intelligence Mobile Development with Android
Programming Using an Object-Oriented Language
Information security

I founded the taskmaster society in 2021 and was the president for three years. I made youtube videos interacting with the society over one summer.

I was president of the improv society for a few months.

I was vice president of the gaming society (Aberystwyth Community Of Gamers (ACOG)) for a year. I helped run the LAN event and made many advertisements for it, in which we raised £1581.50 for charity.

I founded and ran Queer++, a social group for LGBTQ+ Aberystwyth computer science students. It met weekly for a year, and the discord is still in use.

I founded and ran Pokemon Go Aberystwyth, a discord for local pokemon go players. The discord is still in use, as is the bot I created for it.

I was treasurer of the craft society for a few months.

A picrew of me that I felt represented myself at societies

Just a picture of me feeling awkward at a job fair
Me and my awkward face